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Electric Tracking Vehicle (ETV)

Electric Tracking Vehicle (ETV)

  • £600.00

  • £720.00 inc VAT


Height 6'  
Width 5'  
Length 9' 4"  
Turning circle = inner diameter 17ft and outer diameter 28ft    
50 mile range    
To fully charge requires 8 hours    
Max speed with driver and 2 x passengers = 25 mph    
Max speed with driver and 4 x passengers = 22 mph    
Rental Price Week Day
ETV 'Electric tracking vehicle' £3,000 £600
Fuel - 55p per mile    
For use of our Tracking Vehicles on Public Highways, Production should notify and get dispensation from:

The Police Services
Tel: 0203 054 5555

You can download the MPS Film Unit Guide here